
NeuroKinetic Therapy® & Brain Body Balance


Massage vs Bodywork. Which do I choose?

In a nutshell, massage is a form of bodywork but bodywork is more than massage. If you are seeking general well-being, relaxation or have specific muscular concerns, massage is a great option. For those looking to address specific issues such as acute or chronic pain, inhibited movement, repetitive strain issues, bad postural habits and patterns, we highly recommend a bodywork session.


Two modalities are used, NeuroKinetic Therapy® (NKT) & Brain Body Balance (B³). First we identify muscle imbalances and faulty movement patterns through unique manual muscle testing protocols. Once the compensation patterns are found, chronically tight muscles are then released and inhibited muscles are strengthened to restore proper movement patterns. For more info refer to FAQ below.


60 Mins

R700 | R630 *H-Circle

3 Sessions/ Month 60 Mins Each

R1890 | R1700 *H-Circle

*Become an H-circle member & save

“Pain often has complex origins that defy simple explanations, remedies, and its voices speak to all dimensions of your being, physical, mental, and spiritual.“

- David Garrigues

What they say-shalahtx-Sharline.png

“I was in pain for months. After just one session I felt huge relief. Highly recommend.”

— Markus

“Thanks Shar. Went hiking with my husband the very next day for the first time in years! Felt like a new person.”

— Eli


  • Bodywork can help alleviate pain, release tension and discomfort from many different causes, including trauma, back pain, repetitive motion injury and aging. It can be valuable for people experiencing high levels of stress, for those using their bodies in their professions, especially if your job requires repetitive movement or for those sitting for long periods of time and struggle with issues like tech neck.

  • In a nutshell, massage is a form of bodywork but bodywork is more than massage. If you are seeking general well-being, relaxation or have specific muscular concerns, massage is a great option. For those looking to address specific issues such as acute or chronic pain, inhibited movement, repetitive strain issues, bad postural habits and patterns, we highly recommend a bodywork session.

  • NeuroKinetic Therapy® is an application of Motor Control Theory, neuroscience and functional anatomy (neurobiomechanics) that helps the therapist to unravel the cause of faulty movement patterns in the brain’s Motor Control Centre. NKT® identifies muscle imbalances through unique protocols to determine what muscles are inhibited and what muscles are compensating for them. This allows for the use of specific treatment and corrective exercise techniques to restore proper movement patterns and reprogram the brain’s motor control center.

  • B³ is a form Neuromuscular therapy. It is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle pressure and a pulse-like signal into restricted fascia. In short fascia is a clingfilm-like substance that wraps around all our muscles and organs, offering support and reducing friction during everyday movement. Myofascial release aims to give this clingfilm a workout, stretching and smoothing it so your body works at its optimum level. B³ aims to re-set brain-to-body feedback which aids the body in its healing process.

  • No in general it should not feel painful. If you are in pain, speak up and let your therapist know.

  • You will remain fully clothed throughout the session. Loose and comfortable is best, but it doesn’t matter.

  • It depends on what is going on in your body but generally we recommend at least three sessions a couple of days or a week apart and regular tune-ups as you need them. We will discuss this in more detail in person.

Disclaimer: Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) & Brain Body Balance (B³) are not recognised medical treatments and the practitioner may advise clients to seek medical attention instead of or in addition to the bodywork sessions.

NKT® and B³ bodywork for

Pain-free living

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